Smile like you mean it.

Haha, so did anyone guessed correctly? G U E S S N O T : D Thanks for being so patient with Moi, your answer is right below : D

Damn exchange. Number ONE, and I got SUGAR and OIL, by TEHTEH. THANKS UH!

No. 2 was my EGGS.
No. 3 was a 40.5CM long PAD, disposable undies, and a packet of tissue.

No. 4 was the best, cucumber eye relaxing eye pads.

No. 5 wasn't that cocky, lip balm, stationery box and tidbits.

WTH?! WHY DID I GET NO. ONE!! HAHA, nvm I had my fair share of gift, enjoy the EGGS((:
Happy Christmas and Boxing Day everyone! (damn belated though.)

Haha, how's the holidays everyone? I hope you all had a great time! Well, I had truck loads of fun, even though I stayed home on Christmas day to finish my report. D a n g s. Right? Lol. Thanks PolJUNKdars for the X'mas party! ((: I enjoyed the junkie tonnes. Let me see, taiwan sausage, salt and vinegar chips, japanese rice crackers, japanese kachang puteh, loads of candy, dewberry biscuits, seafood pizza, jacq's very goooooood and yummy seafood salad (DAMN NICE), green tea, tehteh's mum's honey green tea brewed with so much love, 7-up, chipsmore, ice-cream, and absolute vodddddkkkaaa: DISCO VERSION. HELL YEAH! ALL HAIL JUNKIES :D (damn it larr, damn hungry now.. zzzzzz)


I had a blast despite the very bad incident that happened. Thanks darlingssss! Feli love us, don't love monkey, OKAY? LOL. Drunk woman. See lar, drink some more shots larrr. Btw, I hope my eggs are happy k. They have faces, beware. ((: Love you allllll mucccch. And numees loveee, you are so brave! YOU WATCHED SAW 4. I'm so proud of you! Need me to relive the part when the officer got his head smashed in between two slabs of metal? HAHAHAHA(: Yay..

Somehow this picture just makes me laugh!!!!!!!! HAHA.

Today on boxboxbox day, went baking with my 2 sillies(: MY HAPPY FRIENDS! HAHAHA. Baking was kinda atrocious, semi-successful. But it tasted alright. So cheeeers. Oh and next time when you cook spaghetti, don't add too much water to the sauce. DIAO. LOL. Ame uuuuhh! LOL. Ended eating spawhetttiii. EWWW!!!! LOL Thanks for the day you both, for making me realise how fun baking and cooking is with the both of you around. I hope we can meet up againnn, end of holidays )):

Erm, I have no idea what creation we made.
Maybe Oreo flavoured cuppies with M&Ms.

Rushed down to Bedok to meet the bandits for K session. They GOT HIGH! Lol. Man my chinese sucks. :/ Lol I'm really an angmoh potatoe. More chinese songs for me k :D And btw boyfriend, the cupcake is horredous! HAHAHA. Don't try to make me feel better about my failed cuppie. BOOO. LOL. Singing slacking session after K outside KCC. LOL and a long ride home.

I DECLARE, my ear piece DEAD. ):
I hate one-sided music, a new ear piece, PLEASE?

Okayyyy, I think I need to get back to work? Grossssss. Ciaos<3

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